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In the following table, you will find the shipping costs and delivery times for shipping to the respective destination country and the minimum order value for free delivery:

Country Delivery Service Shipping Costs Delivery Time Free Delivery From Germany dpd € 4.95 1 Day € 200 Austria € 4.95 1 - 3 Days € 200 Netherlands dpd € 9.95 2 - 3 Days € 300 Belgium Luxembourg dpd € 9.95 1 - 3 Days € 300 Hungary dpd € 9.95 1 - 3 Days € 300 France Denmark Czech Republic Italy dpd € 14.95 3 - 4 Days 3 - 4 Days 1 - 2 Days 3 - 4 Days 2 - 3 Days € 400 Finland Poland Romania dpd € 14.95 3 - 4 Days € 400 Sweden dpd € 4.95 3 - 5 Days € 200 Bulgaria dpd € 4.95 4 - 6 Days € 200 Switzerland dpd € 19.95 3 - 5 Days € 400 USA dpd € 24.95 7 - 9 Days € 800